4700 N. A1A
Vero Beach, FL, Florida 32963

When The Bride Wears Combat Boots!

God is equipping His bride for such a time as this...
Our Speaker ~

Rev. Yvonne Williams, affectionately known as "Pastor Bunnye" has an exciting and humorous way of expounding on God's Word. She endeavors to challenge our perspective, bringing life and depth to the Scriptures.

She is a unique sister in Christ and her desire is to see God's people set free by the Word of God and the power of his precious Holy Spirit.

Pastor Bunnye has spoken to women's groups and churches across the nation. You will experience a multi faceted woman who speaks in TECHNICOLOR!

Worship will be led by ~ Kathleen Berghuis

Come explore with us the topic of "The Bride of Christ" as we prepare ourselves for His coming. More specifically, "When the Bride Wears Combat Boots."

Added by Aglow International SE North on September 23, 2009