1187 Franklin Street
San Francisco, California 94109

Join us for a presentation on

Jean and Henry Kroll of the Unitarian Universalist
San Francisco Society will report their findings
from the ELDER COHOUSING CONFERENCE held last month
in Boulder Colorado.

We'll screen ELDER COHOUSING: Neighborhoods for People
a 15 minute DVD just released by the Elder Cohousing

We'll meet and hear from others now living in
multigenerational cohousing in the Bay Area
and from those planning new projects, including
Raines Cohen and Betsy Morris, veteran cohousing
residents and facilitators.

Wherever we live and whatever phase of life,
COHOUSING is a fast growing way of life that
allows to us live out our community values,
live simply on the Earth, and build a neighborhood
of mutual support and caring.

Tonight we will learn about the next steps that can
make this happen in San Francisco OR wherever you
want to live.

Space is Limited:
Please RSVP via MeetUp (preferred) or here on upcoming.org.
Donation: $5 to $10 for materials and refreshments.

Official Website: http://seniors.meetup.com/64/events/5202115/?from=upcoming

Added by raines on October 16, 2006

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