What are the differences between Product Manager and Product Owner roles? How can you adapt existing skills to be a successful Agile Product Manager?
In this three-part interactive Teleworkshop series you'll learn how Agile development methodologies impact each major stage of the product life cycle (Planning, Development, Launch & Maintenance) and you'll apply Product Management & Agile best practices to ensure greater success at each stage.
Teleworkshop Series
$139 for SDForum members/$249 for non-members
Individual Teleworkshops
$69 for SDForum members/$99 for non-members
July 15, 9am Pacific (12pm Eastern) - Agile Product Management in the Planning stage (Session 1)
Overview of key challenges and possible solutions as the organization goes Agile
Business Cases, product planning and Agile
Building Agile roadmaps and release plans, Part 1
July 22, 9am Pacific (12pm Eastern) - Agile Product Management in the Development stage (Session 2)
Building Agile roadmaps and release plans, Part 2
Clarifying Product Manager vs. Product Owner roles
Defining and prioritizing requirements by business value
July 29, 9am Pacific (12pm Eastern) - Mastering Agile Product Management - Launch and Beyond (Session 3)
The art of Agile product launches
Managing customer and organizational expectations
Sustaining product success with agility
During this series you will engage in several hands-on exercises and discussions to gain experience in working with the key concepts, and to help ensure that you can immediately use new tools and practices on the job. Receive effective, practical training from practicing industry experts, delivered in manageable "chunks" for busy professionals.
Pivotal Product Management provides award-winning, experience-based product management training and consulting services, helping companies apply best practices in real-world product management for improved product success rates.
Series: $139 for SDForum members, $249 for non-members. Individual workshops: $69 for SDForum members, $99 non-members.
Official Website: http://sdforum.org
Added by FullCalendar on July 2, 2009