Floor 3100,
Chicago, Illinois 60606

When the marketplace is in flux, complexity and chaos grow, time and resources shrink, and opportunities and risks emergeHow do you seize the moment?Product Management focuses on the Ends; Product Development or Engineering focuses on the Means; and Project Management focuses on bridging the Ends and the Means. To seize the moment, all three interdependent vantage points must harmonize around market opportunities and deliver innovative solutions. If your team has been doing Scrum or Extreme Programming (XP) or Lean and you are not fully satisfied with the results, you may benefit from considering these other vantage points.This workshop focuses on illuminating the essential elements of Agile Product Management, Project Management, and Development and exploring how, combined, these three vantage points provide synergy for delivering successful software. Join us and learn how the whole is more than the mere sum of its partsandhow to seize the moment!

Intended Audience

Are your teams already using Scrum, Extreme Programming, or Lean practices? Join us to learn how to make them even more effective.

Or, maybe your teams haven't yet made the transition to these powerful paradigms? Then join us to educate yourself and ensure your teams will be positioned for future success.

Because of its workshop format, this is 3 hours packed with experiential exercises and tools that attendees can bring back to their teams to receive immediate ROI.


8:30 AM: Check-in/Breakfast
9:00 AM: Workshop Start

Meet the Facilitators

Si Alhir
is a Practitioner. He has over two decades of experience in all aspects
of technology

product/services management (planning and marketing) and
engineering (development), including business development, client
management, and consulting services. With a proven performance record
in aligning Business and Technology using industry-recognized and
organization-tailored Lean, Agile, and other Best Practices, he focuses
on transforming organizations/enterprises to actualize

their potential
and achieve an enduring competitive advantage. His clients have ranged
from start-ups to the Fortune 500.
He is also a Certified Lean Six
Sigma Master Black Belt (MBB), Certified Scrum Master (CSM), Certified
Project Management Professional (PMP), IT Project Management Certified
Professional (IT Project+), and e-Business Certified Professional
(e-Biz+). He is the author of three books and two articles in the
Encyclopedia of Software Engineering among other publications. And he
commonly speaks at professional events.
Contact Si via salhir@pragmaticsynergy.com or learn more about Si at linkedin.com or his blog.

Kevin P. Taylor founded Obtiva to help teams get better at using agile practices, thereby
delivering value through working software. Using agile practices
itself, Obtiva delivers significant projects in Java, Eclipse RCP, Ruby
on Rails, and other technologies.
Kevin is the author of both training
courses and articles related to agile practices (technical and
management), test-driven development, and programming. He is a speaker
at conferences and user groups around the U.S., including the Agile
Conference, EclipseCon, and EclipseWorld.
Contact Kevin via kevin.taylor@obtiva.com or learn more about Kevin at linkedin.com.

Obtiva provides custom software development and training
solutions that leverage Agile best practices and software
craftsmanship, including implementing software projects by integrating
into client teams or delivering applications from our Software Studio
located in Chicago, Illinois.
Pragmatic Synergy LLC is a consulting and training firm focused on
helping organizations leverage lean, agile, and other approaches in
harmonizing business and technology to achieve an enduring competitive

Ticket Info:  Workshop, Free

Official Website: http://chicagoagileworkshop-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 20, 2009

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