500 Post Street
San Francisco, California 97102

Meet, talk and listen to leaders who have applied agile principles to their business enterprise. Discover how to lead agile in your organization and scale agile development practices. Connect with Agile Business Leaders. Be a part of one of the fastest growing trends in the technology industry.

Agile Business Leadership Summits provide working sessions with dynamic presenters such as David Anderson, Sue McKinney, Pollyanna Pixton. Hear panel discussions with agile leaders from Fortune 500 companies and participate in think tank breakout sessions. Network with other business leaders during breaks and social events.

Sign up today and take advantage of the promotion code "a100" and your price will be $550 (Price includes meals and end of day reception)

For more information, please contact Lene S. Andersen
Phone: +1 650 543 8177 or mail to lsa@trifork.com

Official Website: http://jaoo.dk/agile-leadership-sanfran/conference/

Added by Trifork on March 17, 2008