Agile Executive Briefing
Why Agile?
"Agile" processes such as Scrum are rapidly gaining acceptance and publicity as powerful ways to overcome the complex challenges inherent to such domains as Information Technology and Software Engineering.
Despite (or perhaps because of) this popularity, Agile has something of a cult status - those who understand it loudly sing its praises, and those who have not experienced it are justifiably cautious of what seems to be a return to anarchy and "cowboy coding."
This session will help you understand what Agile is and is not, why your engineers are so excited about it, and how your organization can use Agile to realize the untapped potential in your teams. When Agile teams function well, the business benefits are amazing.
Topics Covered
What is meant by an "Agile process"
How some legacy management techniques are actually harmful today
When Agile processes are / are not appropriate
The two key principles which make the Scrum framework so effective
A "no-fluff" overview of how the Scrum framework operates
The single unifying concept which joins management and developers together in a "feedback loop of trust."
Tangible and intangible benefits enjoyed by effective Agile teams
How to get started bringing the benefits of Agile into your organization
The briefing will consist of some traditional presentation but also facilitated dialogue with other leaders looking to understand Agile.
This event will also be an excellent opportunity to learn more about Scrum prior to the Certified ScrumMaster and Agile Planning Advanced Session courses taking place on Tuesday and Wednesday.
About 3Back
We focus on collaborative I.T. efforts that depend on high- or hyper-performing teams, by using the process framework of Scrum as our unifying metaphor.
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Added by 3back on January 2, 2008