The english version of Cupcake Camp (
In true geek style and an excuse to get a bit social comes AfternoonTeaCamp. It’s on the weekend (this Sunday), in the afternoon at The Werks. The idea is that everyone brings something to share and that we can all enjoy each others company.
Being a geek is not essential, though social and good company is.
How is going to work?
1. Bring something related to afternoon tea. E.g tea bags, milk, sandwiches, scones....
2. Sign up on the list where people should say what they are going to bring. (We wouldn't want everyone to bring just milk 'n' tea!)
3. There will be slots for people to give presentations (BarCamp style)
4. Kids are welcome, perhaps they could make something too and show it off.
5. Any sponsors want to help out with costs?
Mark yourself as attending here or stick your name down on the wiki -
Official Website:
Added by rosiesherry on June 2, 2008
It's a social event, mostly just an excuse to meet and be social over some AfternoonTea.
I changed the date to mid July after failing to realise that this Sunday is Fathers day.
Sadly I won't be able to make the new date
This all sounds very interesting but having clicked on god knows how many annoying links to things like cupcakecamp etc I still have no idea what your meeting is about apart from having afternoon tea. So, how about a real english description of what it is you are actually going to to do so we can work out whether its relevant ot us.