6351 S 900 E
Salt Lake City, Utah 84121

Activities include egg gathering, wagon rides, duck feeding and animal visits.

Added by Upcoming Robot on April 30, 2009



Hi! This is Rev. Bonnie Ann (Burgard), the revved up Space Minister & Metaphysicist, Vice Pres. of the Moon Society of Phoenix.

I will be doing a presentation with the Moon Society on Space Based Solar Power called "First Light on the Moon". Chuck Lee Lesher mech./aerospace engineer, & sceince fiction writer will also be doing a presentation. Hope to meet you all there.

I talked to J.D. Hayworth on the radio & he said he was interested in SBSP. I also called Janet Napolitano's office, wanting to give the Dems some info. They also said they were very interested.

This site does not seem to be completely up & running as I cannot seem to get into some areas. Possibly it is still being worked on?

What is the policy of those from the media, or from someone in government office that want to attend the SPSP presentations. Do they also need to purchase a membership? Please let me know, as I have a lot of people asking. Thanks.