After-Work Mixer, Art Stroll and Art Spring Fever Sale!
Date: 3/30/2010
Venue: ArtWorks On The Square
Location: 107 Stonewall Ave., Fayetteville, GA 30214
Time: 5:00p - 8:00p
Free parking
Free admission
Contact Info: 678-545-0275
Web site:
Event Description: After-Work Mixer, Art Stroll and Spring Fever Sale at south metro's newest art center and gallery, ArtWorks On The Square. Music, art, mixing, mingling, networking, strolling, shopping, exploring and experiencing new art!
Come stroll and treasure hunt your way through over 20 spectacularly well-appointed artists studios, main and student galleries. Please dress comfortably and plan to have a great time.
The Dancer's Delight by Le' Rav
Experience the "Unforgettably Le'Rav" exhibition which ends on March 31st. Bold acrylics and watercolors in abstract and surreal by celebrated artist, Le'Rav. Come meet Le'Rav. Spring fever pricing on newly released Le'Rav art wear and limited edition prints of "The Fedora." You can also contact
ArtWorks On The Square in Fayetteville, Georgia is a unique art gallery featuring art exhibitionsby national, regional, local and emerging artists. Located on the square in downtown Fayetteville, GA, across from the clock tower, 107 Stonewall Ave., Fayetteville, GA30214. ArtPerks Cafe, gourmet treats is now open for your dining pleasure.
Added by chapmanrealty on March 28, 2010