The questions on everyone's mind these days are;
"What is going on with the Real Estate Market?"
"Where is it going next?"
"Is now a good time to buy ... or should I wait?"
"Should I sell now ... will housing prices go even higher?"
And the BIG question; "When is it going to hit bottom?"
Meet Robert Campbell and find out! Robert is a highly sought-after Speaker, Author of, Timing the Real Estate Market. and creator of THE CAMPBELL METHOD! Every investor and real estate professional, beginner to seasoned investor will benefit from Robert's proven method of tracking and predicting real estate trends.
When it comes to making money in Real Estate, nothing beats GOOD TIMING! How would you like to be able to predict the BEST TIME to buy at the market's lowest point and sell at the market's peak with NEAR CERTAINTY?
Make no mistake about it: real estate markets are cyclical. Prices rise, prices drop, and then they rise again. Unfortunately, when real estate trends do change, most people have been looking the wrong way at the wrong things and never see it coming.
Based on five key real estate indicators The Campbell Method is a clearly defined approach to real estate investing that shows you how to ANTICIPATE the peaks and valleys of real estate cycles with incredible accuracy.
The vital signs act as 'lead indicators' and give you as much as 3-6 months'advance notice' to the direction real estate prices are likely to take, long before it becomes obvious to the general public!
No hype here. Robert's method is a purely statistical data trending model that takes the emotion, guessing, and selling out of the real estate investing. So sound is Robert's method, it is taught at the Collegiate level in Southern California, including San Diego State.
And as a 30-year real estate veteran, Robert will share his frank and honest insight on the current market and what we face moving forward.
Free (Must register to attend).
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on June 4, 2009