Exhibition Apr 21?Jun 9, 2006 | Opening Reception Fri Apr 21 5?9 pm
from the event website:
"SPACES mounts the first exhibition in Ohio to explore the idea of Afrofuturism, the subculture that deals
with the interplay between time, technology, race and culture in the USA. Seventeen artists, from both historical and future viewpoints, tackle the impact of technology on the physical, social and spiritual lives
of black people.
Afrofuturism is an African-American and African diaspora subculture whose thinkers and artists see technology and science-fiction
as a means of exploring the black experience and finding new strategies to overcome racism and classism. "
Official Website: http://www.spacesgallery.org/aboutAfrofuturism.htm
Added by sspivack on April 19, 2006