311 F Street
Chula Vista, California 91910

The mindset by which you approach the sale will determine its outcome more than any other element of the selling process.

This is a 3 month program directed to:
 Entrepreneurs.
 Business Owners
 Directors and managers who have sales teams
 Salespeople.

“People don’t like to be sold, but they LOVE TO BUY” - You must change the way you sell and adapt, or you will not make enough sales to break even, much less to meet your goals and dreams !

With our program in only three months you will:
• Be able to expand and strengthen your knowledge and expertise in the selling process and daily sales challenges.
• Grow and develop as a professional salesperson.
• Be prepared for a sale, gain competitive advantage.
• Know how and when to close a sale.
• Build a relationship shield that no competitor can pierce.
• Develop the discipline to double your money.
• Learn how to have fun and be funny while selling.

The program is structured in 3 months with the following sessions:
• Wednesday August 19 4:30 p.m. to 07:30 p.m.
• Wednesday September 02, 16 and 30 from 4:30 p.m. to 07:30 p.m.
• Wednesday October 14 and 28 from 4:30 p.m. to 07:30 p.m.

Seating is limited to provide a personalized experience to each participant, we recommend that you reserve your place as soon as possible, and if you register to the program before Wednesday, July 29th, 2009 you will receive 10% off the cost of the program and a personality assessment so you can direct your skills and talents for managing better your business.

Official Website: http://www.akbsolutions.com/en/businesseducation/index.html

Added by AKBSolutions on July 24, 2009



"Your ability to learn and act faster than your competition is your only sustainable competitve advantage" - Arie de Gaus