Register by January 8th 2013
Aerial Kite for Teens
with Chelsea O'Brian
Previous Aerial Experience Required
11 Class Series $220
Tuesdays 4:00 - 6:00 January 8th - March 19th
The Aerial Kite is a unique apparatus offering abundant possibilities and creative potential for aerialists of all levels, within the form of a kite in the sky!
The Aerial Kite combines the principles of Tissue, Hoop, and Cloud Swing, yet has a fresh vocabulary of it's own to let your imagination soar.
Chelsea O'Brian, a native of Canada, is an artist, creator, and innovator.
She has worked in the mediums of circus dance, harness dancing, film, and theatre.
The inventor of this unique circus apparatus, she has developed its original technique.
Aerial Dance For Youth 8 - 11
with Sandia Langlois
Beginning / Intermediate
11 Class Series $165 ($18 Drop In)
Thursdays 3:30 - 5:00 January 10th - March 21st
Aerial Dance incorporates strength, flexibility, and coordination with personal orientation in space. Our small class size allows each student to have personal attention and individual training, while still building teamwork within a dynamic group setting.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on December 6, 2012