4355 Ashford Dunwoody Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30346

AEA is pleased to co-host the 2010 AEA/CDC Summer Evaluation Institute to be held Monday, June 14, through Wednesday, June 16, in Atlanta, Georgia. The Institute will be preceded on Sunday, June 13, by a pair of pre-Institute workshops (Introduction to Evaluation and Quantitative Methods for Evaluation) that may be registered for alone or in concert with the Institute.

This event focuses on real-world strategies that you can apply today in your work. Registration is affordable at $395 for AEA members and CDC staff, $250 for full-time students, and $445 for all other registrants. There is limited spaceĀ at the event as well as session caps on the individual sessions. Most sessions, and potentially all registration, will close prior to the event. I urge you to register early!

The full agenda, FAQ, and registration forms may be found online at:


Official Website: http://www.eval.org/SummerInstitute10/default.asp

Added by americanevaluationassocation on April 16, 2010