720 South Michigan Ave.
Chicago, Illinois

AdWords Seminar for Success - Chicago

June 4th & 5th, 2009
Hilton Chicago
720 South Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60605
8:30 am - 5:00 PM

AdWords Seminar for Success - Overview

What are Google AdWords Advanced Seminars?
The AdWords Seminar for Success Advanced series are two days of interactive education that will help you make the most of the time and money you invest in AdWords. Officially sponsored by Google, you can trust that you are receiving the most accurate and up-to-date information on the best practices for advertising with Google AdWords.
You can choose to attend only one day, or receive a 10% discount if you choose to register for both days! Plus, if you register today, you will also receive:
AdWords Seminar Bonuses

* $100 AdWords Credit ($50 if you register for a single day) **Must Register 7 Days in Advance
* 2 USB Thumb Drives with Presentation Materials (1 for each day)
* Other Google Goodies
* Bonus Presentations:
Day 1: Marketing in a Down Economy: Superior Profits on a Minimal Budget
Day 2: Actionable Items: Step-by-Step: How to Maximize Results for Your Limited Time
Advanced AdWords Seminars Overview

AdWords 301: Advanced Account Optimization focuses on best practices for Keywords, Ad Copy, and Landing Pages in addition to a deep dive into Quality Score, the Content Network, and Geographic Targeting. This day is jam-packed full of tips and techniques you can functionally use to improve your accounts overall perofrmance. You can see the in-depth curriculum here.
AdWords 302: Advanced Conversion Optimization concentrates on how to increase your conversions and your profits! Topics include Bidding Types and Strategies, Tracking Conversions, Split Testing, and Account Organization. The information included in this session can have a positive, dramatic impact on your bottom line - this is a must attend event! You can see the in-depth curriculum here.
Who should attend these seminars?
The 301 and 302 Advanced AdWords seminars are designed for seasoned Search Enginge Marketing professionals. If you are an experienced ppc analyst, manager,or executive these courses are for you.
Not sure this seminar is for you? Read on to see how others have benefited from attending previous seminars.
Advanced AdWords Attendee Testimonials

"First, I flew down to your conference in Houston not really having any
expectations on what I was going to learn in a one day seminar over
something that has "paralysis by analysis" written all over it like
Adwords. However, I feel afterwards, it was one of the most positive
and understandable conferences that I have ever attended.
You did a great job in explaining and relating the information into a
plan that even an 'amateur' like myself can understand. I have taken a
lot of the information and began to implement the ideas into actual
measurable results.
I just wanted to send you a note in appreciation for your time and
thank you for all the information that you provided. I hopefully will
get to goto another seminar in the future."
Neal Freeman
Catalog/Assistant eCommerce ManagerDallas Cowboys Merchandising
AdWords Seminar Leader - Brad Geddes

Brad Geddes is the founder of bgTheory.com; a company dedicated to
consulting, educating, and training businesses on internet marketing
theory and best practices. He is currently the only person selected by Google to conduct the Advanced AdWords seminar series.
Before forming bgTheory, Brad was the Director of Search for RH
Donnelley, a leading publisher of Yellow Pages. He has also provided
usability, PPC, and SEO consulting services to a wide range of
companies over the years. He has been involved in online advertising
since 1999, and was one of the first 100 Qualified Individuals in the
Google Advertising Professionals program.

One of his trademarks has been demystifying many of the more
complicated aspects of SEO, PPC, and internet advertising. He has
written and published extensive articles on various online marketing
topics. Not one to hold secrets, Brad prefers to educate his people on
the various aspects of crafting successful marketing campaigns to
ensure the success for all parties involved.

Advanced AdWords Seminar Agenda

Advanced AdWords Daily Agenda

8:30 - 9:00 am

9:00 - 10:30 am
Morning Session

10:00 - 10:45 am

10:45 - 12:00 pm
Morning Session

12:00 - 1:00 pm
Lunch Break

1:00 - 2:30 pm
Afternoon Session

2:30 - 2:45 pm

2:45 - 4:00 pm
Afternoon Session

4:00 - 5:00 pm
Open Q&A

Advanced AdWords Seminar Curriculums

Curriculum Day 1

AdWords Seminar 301: Advanced Account Optimization

Morning Session
Afternoon Session

Psychology of Search
Best Practices for PPC Success

Understanding Keywords

Keyword Research

Long Tail Keywords
Wide vs. Deep Keywords

Negative Keywords
Search Query Reports

Discovering Effective Keywords

AdWords Keyword Tool
Spidering Websites
Competitive Research

Creating Compelling Ad Copy

Connecting with the Searcher
Unique Selling Proposition
Benefits vs. Features

Landing Pages that Convert

Showcasing the Answer
Where to Send Traffic
Best Practices
Usability Overview

Advanced Optimization Techniques

Boosting Your PPC Traffic

Dynamic Keyword Insertion
Ad Preview Tool
Increasing Page Views

Increasing PPC Conversion Rates

Ad Copy Calls to Action
Optimizing Landing Pages

Open Q&A

Quality Score Demystified

What is Quality Score
How Actual CPC is Calculated
Quality Score Factors
How to Increase Your Quality Score
Using Keyword Reports

Beyond Text - Multimedia Ads

Video Ads
Image Ads
Widget Ads
Display Ad Builder

Content Network Deep Dive

Overview of the Content Network

Placement Performance Report
Demographics Reports

Content Network Optimization
Placement Targeting
Enhanced Campaigns
Content Campaign Organization
AdSense Preview Tool
Ad Planner

Advanced Geographic Targeting

The Technology
Effectively Reaching Local Audiences
Local Business Ads
Geographic Performance Reports

AdWords Editor: Quick and Easy Account Changes

Live AdWords Editor Demo
Making Large Account Changes in Minutes

Google Analytics Implementation
Open Q&A

**Bonus Presentation: Marketing in a Down Economy

"I attended this conference in order to learn the
latest Adwords developments, and in this respect, I found it to be most
useful. We are using Adwords tools daily, so know more about them than
the average user. Still, it is useful from time to time to take a step
back and listen to an expert who is obviously plugged into the latest,
as well as upcoming, developments.
Brad is an exceptional speaker, offers insightful views about marketing
theory, and is a technical master. Aside from that he demonstrates
during his presentations a willingness to roll up his sleeves and delve
into the nuts and bolts of how to manage Adwords to improve ROAS for
Chris Lude

Curriculum Day 2

AdWords Seminar 302: Advanced Conversion Optimization

Morning Session
Afternoon Session

Setting Profitable Business Goals

Putting Your Ad Dollars to Work

Ad Delivery
Bidding Types

Preferred Bidding
Conversion Optimizer
Budget Optimizer

Learn How to Track Conversions


Exploring ROI and Profit

Calculating Bids

Effective Bidding Strategies

Position Preference
Ad Scheduler

Time Sensitive Ads

By Location

My Client Center

Successful Account Organization

When to Create Campaigns

Content vs. Search
Product or Service Types
Ad Scheduling

When to Create AdGroups
Organizing Ads and Keywords

Find Effective Messages through Split Testing

Overview of Testing

Ad Delivery Methods
Statically Relevant Information

Ad Copy Testing

Advanced Ad Writing
Split Testing Ad Copy
Ad Performance Reports

Landing Page Testing

Where to Send Traffic for Testing
How to Test Page Layouts
Split Testing Landing Pages
URL Performance Reports

Profit Per Impression

Combined Landing Page and Ad Testing Variations
Understanding the Reports
Lifetime Visitor Values

Be More Productive Using AdWords Reports

Keyword Report
Search Query Performance
Other Reports

Google Analytics Reporting

Site Overlay
Conversion Funnels
AdWords Account Navigation

Click Quality and Reporting

Even More Tools for Effective Research

Ad Planner
SK Tool
Widget Ads

Open Q&A

**Bonus Presentation: Actionable Items: Step-by-Step: How to Maximize Results for Your Limited Time

AdWords Seminar FAQ's

Are the Advanced sessions right for me?

The Advanced sessions are designed for individuals who already understand the basic fundamentals of advertising on AdWords. If you are a seasoned AdWords veteran, this session will show you how to use the latest tools and cutting edge technologies to get the results you have been reaching to attain.

Who is conducting the sessions?

Brad Geddes, a Seminar Leader, will be directing all currently scheduled Advanced sessions. Seminar Leaders are qualified by their membership in the Google Advertising Professionals Program, and selected by Google to conduct these trainings. Seminars are wholly conducted and operated by independent search engine marketing professionals who are not affiliated with or employed by Google.

When will I receive my $50 AdWords credit**?

If you register at least 7 days prior to the seminar event you are eligible for a $50 AdWords credit. You will receive an email from bgTheory within three weeks of attending the seminar that contains your promotional code and instructions on how to apply the credit to your AdWords account. If you do not receive your promotional credit within 30 days following the seminar, please contact us.

How much does it cost?
Register for each full day for $249. If you register for both days though, receive an automatic 10% discount! Plus, if you register at least seven days prior to the seminar, you will receive a $50 credit that may be applied to your AdWords account!**
I am interested in attending a session in Canada - do you accept payment in Canadian dollars?

All seminar fees are quoted in US dollars. While our payment processor will accept Canadian credit cards, you will be charged the seminar fee in US dollars.

When is the registration deadline?
There is no registration deadline. However, space is limited and sessions may quickly become filled. So, we do urge you to register as early as possible.
Will lunch or refreshments be served?
Lunch will not be served, although their will be a one hour break during the morning and afternoon sessions. Breakfast items and refreshments will be served.

Do I need to bring a laptop? Will there be internet access?
You do not need to bring a laptop, handouts of the presentation will be provided to you. There may be internet access available in the meeting room in some locations. However, seminar attendees are responsible for their own internet access charges. Please see your order confirmation email after registering for details.
Is parking paid for?
No, attendees are responsible for their own parking costs. Most locations have both self and valet parking options, but fees vary by location. Please see your order confirmation email after registering for details.
Is there a group code or discount for guest rooms at the hotel?

Most of our attendees are local so we have very few
guests stay overnight in the hotel. Because of this we do not qualify
for a conference or group rate.
What's the cancellation policy?
Registration fees are non-refundable unless the seminar is cancelled. Scheduled seminars are subject to cancellation up to seven days before the scheduled date. If a class is cancelled, registrants will receive a full refund. You may transfer your registration to another person at your company at any time by providing written authorization.
I registered online, but never received my receipt email.
Confirmation emails will come from orders@eventbrite.com within 24 hours of your registration. Please ensure that email address is added to your "safe sender" list; and check your "bulk" or "junk" folders of your email account. If you need to have your confirmation email resent, please contact us.
I still have questions, who should I contact?
You can email info@bgtheory.com or call 703.349.1045.
The Fine Print

*Seminars for Success are designed for individual AdWords advertisers and Analytics users managing their own AdWords accounts. Agencies, SEOs, SEMs, and resellers are not eligible for these events. Seminars for Success are wholly conducted and operated by independent search engine
marketing professionals who are not affiliated with, endorsed by, or employed by Google. All Seminar Leaders are Qualified Individuals in the Google Advertising Professionals Program, and/or Google Analytics Authorized Consultants.

**Promotional credit must be applied to an AdWords account within 30 days of attending a Seminar and is valid only for Google AdWords customers with self-managed signup. Advertisers will be charged for advertising that exceeds the promotional credit. Advertisers will need to suspend their ads if they do not wish to receive additional charges beyond the free credit amount. Subject to ad approval, valid registration and acceptance of the Google AdWords Program standard terms and conditions. The promotional credit is non-transferable and may not be sold or bartered. Offer may be revoked
at any time for any reason by Google Inc. One promotional credit per AdWords account. New advertisers with self-managed signup accounts are subject to an $5 activation fee that will be deducted from the promotional credit. Expires 30 days after Advertiser's registered Seminar session.
Void where restricted or prohibited by law.

Organized by AdWords Seminars for Success
Led by leading search engine advertising professionals, these full-day,
in-person seminars will help you learn how to make the most of the time
and money you invest in Google AdWords. Whether you're a new advertiser
interested in learning more about AdWords or a seasoned veteran ready
to take your account to the next level, AdWords Seminars can help you
meet your goals and make the most out of the time and money you invest.
More information on Google's website: http://www.google.com/awseminars

Ticket Info:  
  • 6/4/09 AdWords 301: Advanced Account Optimization, $249.00
  • 6/5/09 AdWords 302: Advanced Conversion Optimization, $249.00
  • 6/4 & 6/5 Two Day Discount Package, $449.00

Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/300588067/upcoming

Added by eventbrite-events on March 20, 2009

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