Who Should Attend?
Managers, Superviors, and Safety Leaders, Coordinators, and Trainers
Attendance is limited. This allows for an intimate setting and the ability to move through advanced topics at a fast pace.
Attend one seminar for $695.00
Attend two seminars for $1,195.00 (Save $195.00)
Attend three seminars for $1,795.00 (Save $290.00)
Terry L. Mathis - Founder and CEO, ProAct Safety, Inc
Shawn M. Galloway - President and COO, ProAct Safety, Inc
Seminar Description
This intensive one-day session will enable participants to create a customized plan, using the latest Lean Behavior-Based Safety (Lean BBS®) Technologies for spearheading process improvement. Lean Behavior-Based Safety is based on the philosophy of achieving faster accident reductions with the minimum internal resources and external cost requirements, ultimately achieving a more sustainable internalized continuous improvement process. Borrowing proven techniques from Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, and experiences from over 1000 successful implementations; Lean Behavior-Based Safety has proven to be the most efficient and practical approach to an already effective theoretical process.
ProAct Safety is the only firm experienced with all of the major Behavior-Based Safety methodologies. Unfortunately, it is common to see many traditional Behavior-Based Safety processes plateau in their results after the first two to three years of operation. At this point the process can become routine and the process leaders may go into a holding pattern that loses the original result-based orientation. The newness and successes that motivated the process early on disappear into the past and the whole process tends to simply go through the motions and slowly lose momentum. Behavior-Based Safety processes do not typically fade away if they have ever been successful, but they become much less than they are capable of being. This is the perfect time for Behavior-Based Safety process improvement.
Utilizing the best of your existing Behavior-Based Safety process, your site or committee leaders will explore the options and learn the lean techniques that will successfully breathe new life and efficiency into the existing structure. For organizations that have mature and/or established behavioral observation processes, improvement strategies can accomplish several important objectives:
Attain the next step-change in accident reduction results through better targeting
Increase employee participation through a narrowed focus
Increase the level of expertise in the personnel active in the process
Provide new techniques to the observation and data analysis strategies
Re-energize the process through improved results and more efficient functions
Reduce worker requirements to maintain the process
Assess the existing Behavior-Based Safety process for foundations to build on
Make more efficient use of site leaders and steering teams
Narrow the focus of the checklist to improve efficiency
Learn the benefits of making observations shorter but more effective
Target observations where they will produce the best results
Simplify observation data to make it easier to analyze
Increase worker involvement
Produce faster, more targeted results
Truly accomplish the reality of continuous improvement in safety
Learn tools and methods created to address the site-specific variables, thus ensuring internalization and sustainable success
*This seminar qualifies for 1.0 CM points from ABIH (American Board of Industrial Hygiene).
Official Website: http://www.proactsafety.com/seminaradvancedtacticsforbehaviorbasedsafety2
Added by ProAct Safety on July 13, 2009