225 Bush St, 16th floor
San Francisco, California 94105

* Revamp your prospecting system to create LEADS, not just cold calls.

* Create a selling system with incremental steps that increase your closing ratios AND qualify your prospects.

* Learn advanced techniques to entice your prospect to follow your process.

* Strategies to deal with the "shopping tactics" your prospects are using against you.

* Accurate methods to evaluate your pipeline and manage your follow up time.

Your registration and attendance in this seminar enables you to receive a one-hour individual coaching session, as well as training materials (which include CDs for audio reinforcement)!

We recognize that salespeople need support in these times. We have never offered a one-day seminar with more information and support before. Take advantage of this special seminar designed to give you the tools to tackle this economy.

Register before March 6 for $499 per person, $599 per person thereafter.

Sorry, no walk-ins.

$499 with early registration by 3/6, $599 after. Attendance is limited. No walk-ins.

Official Website: http://chipdoyle.sandler.com/eventcalendar/?month=03&year=2009&date=1237964400#DayAnchor

Added by FullCalendar on February 21, 2009

Interested 2