1 General Recertification Credit
In California, the line between exempt and non-exempt employee classifications can become blurred, and misclassifying an employee carries substantial legal risks. Analysis of actual duties performed by an employee, as well as a thorough understanding of current legal standards, is necessary to determine whether an overtime exemption applies. This requires delving into the details of an employee's everyday functions, sometimes without his or her knowledge.
Receive applicable strategies to maximize efficiency during your audit and get to the root of whether a job is exempt or non-exempt under California and federal law. Learn:
* Examples of recent state and federal case law that illustrate why relying exclusively on job descriptions is a bad idea,
* The types of data-collection options you should consider when conducting your audit,
* Best practices for the information-gathering process, and
* How to minimize potential liability for back wages and penalties if you uncover misclassifications.
About the Presenter
Mary Topliff, Esq., founded the Law Offices of Mary L. Topliff in San Francisco in 1997, after practicing civil and employment litigation for nine years. The firm specializes in employment law counseling, training and compliance focusing on practical solutions to avoid costly legal issues. She has conducted numerous overtime exemption audits and has advised many organizations regarding strategies for minimizing risk. She is a published author and frequent speaker on legal issues impacting the workplace.
Official Website: http://www.nchra.org
Added by FullCalendar on February 22, 2012