Bandung, West Java

An intensive three-day executive leadership training event that explores your role as a leader, visionary and strategic thinker!

Executive leadership training is the first step on the road to achieving your potential as a leader. You’ll come away with an understanding of what makes executive leadership different from other kinds of leadership roles, how to shape organizational excellence, which global competencies are critical to success today and how to gain personal mastery of your own leadership.

And you will profit from the shared insights and experiences of peers who, like you, are senior managers looking for answers through advanced executive leadership training.
How You Will Benefit

* Become a change master who encourages innovative thought and behavior
* Set the right vision for your team, department and organization
* Understand how to plan for a successful future
* Align the workforce to achieve heightened performance and increased bottom-line results
* Discover the power of emotional intelligence—leading with a healthy and wise demeanor
* Flex your executive leadership styles when there are changes in people and conditions
* Ensure that your behavior is always ethical, reflective of your organization’s values

What You Will Cover

* How to drive change in the workplace by applying actions that address employee doubts
* Applying the concepts of manager vs. leader roles
* How to identify and assess your personal behavioral preferences
* Promoting organizational vision and values through ethical leadership behaviors
* Forming "virtual partnerships" in the work environment
* Performing a situation analysis of various work units to align the organization
* Applying executive leadership concepts in a simulated business case
* Developing a plan for action

Who Should Attend

Executives, directors and managers seeking executive leadership training to strengthen their skills to help them motivate and inspire others to drive results.
Extended Training Description

Learning Objectives

* Become a Change Master Who Encourages Innovative Thought and Behavior
* Set the Right Vision for Your Team, Department and Organization
* Understand How to Plan for a Successful Future
* Align the Workforce to Achieve Heightened Performance and Increased Bottom-Line Results
* Discover the Power of Emotional Intelligence—Leading with a Healthy and Wise Demeanor
* Flex Your Executive Leadership Styles When There are Changes in People and Conditions
* Ensure That Your Behavior Is Always Ethical, Reflective of Your Organization’s Values

Introduction—Building an Agenda for Action

* Effectively Approach the Program and Processes of the Seminar
* Articulate Your Personal Objectives for Learning from the Program and Reach Agreement with Others on the Highest Priorities for the Group as a Whole
* Interact with Other Program Participants, Having Gained Some Perspective on Each Others’ Professional and Personal Lives

Driving Change

* State the Reasons Why Organizations and People Resist Change
* Use Specific "Tactics" to Drive Change and Promote Innovation in the Work Environment
* Apply Leadership Actions That Will Facilitate Change in the Workplace

Vision, Values, and Ethics

* Articulate Clarified Mission and Vision Statements Developed in the Workplace
* Assess Organizational Response from Mission/Vision Work Already Completed
* Articulate the Relationship between Ethics and the Success of a Vision
* Describe Organizational Values
* Plan a Workplace Approach for Promoting Organizational Values through Ethical Leadership Behaviors

Role of the Leader

* Apply Concepts of Manager vs. Leader Roles, Revisited and Reinforced from Other Prior Leadership Learning Experiences
* Differentiate the Learning Environment from the Teaching Environment
* Identify Your Personal Behavioral Preferences and Modify Them Proactively to Increase Your Leadership Effectiveness
* Learn the Principal Concepts That Define and Enhance EQ: Emotional Intelligence
* Identify a Source of Personal Emotional Energy

Risk, Resilience, and Alignment

* Define Motivators in Both Reporting and Non-Reporting Relationships
* Identify Your Executive Leadership Competencies and Target Areas for Improvement
* Assess the Risk-Taking Climate in Your Organization
* Explore the Role of Risk in Building Individual and Organizational Resilience
* Identify Actions to Build Alignment Around the Organizational and Unit Vision

Turnaround—The Simulation

* Apply All Seminar Concepts in a Simulated Case
* Relate Concepts of Team Dynamics to Your Actual Experience
* Recognize Successful Team Behaviors
* Complete a Self-Assessment of Learning from the Seminar
* Identify Strategies for Use Back at Work
* Assess Your Progress in Using Team Decision-Making Skills Learned in The Ethical Challenge

Polish the Plans

* Finalize Specific Actions You Will Take Immediately After the Seminar
* Reinforce the Network of Relationships/Friendships Formed with Other Team Members and the Entire Group
* Celebrate Completion of Advanced Executive Leadership Program!

Official Website:

Added by training.focus on March 31, 2009

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