- Non-Destructive Sound Design: Creative audio warping, linked & unlinked clip envelope automation
- Intelligent Looping: launch modes, follow actions & dummy clips
- Unmitigated MIDI: Mastering the MIDI Editor, changing note transposition, length and velocity, live recording & punch-out looping
- Internal Connections: MIDI and audio routing techniques, creative bussing & side-chaining
- Timing is Everything: Making beats with Drum Racks, slicing audio to MIDI, rhythmic programming concepts, quantization, syncopation, randomization & humanization
- Making Waves: Dive into the groove pool
- Maximizing the Browser: Making files & folders work for you
- Crafting your Sound: introduction to Live's included instruments
- External Control: Working with hardware controllers, audio interfaces, control surfaces & auto-mapping
Prerequisites: Basic Ableton Foundations workshop and/or general comfort warping loops, writing MIDI, triggering clips and scenes, assigning automation; laptop with Ableton Live 8 installed (demo or trial version acceptable), headphones suggested, midi controller and audio interface optional. To download the demo, visit http://www.ableton.com
Official Website: http://www.richmediainstitite.com
Added by richmediainstitute on March 15, 2010