Advance Negotiation Skills for Lawyers (ANSL)
Negotiation skills is a quintessential ability a Lawyer must have and master in order to be successful in their career. The ANSL programme is a 1-day intensive course that is designed to improve the negotiation skills of mid-level Turkish lawyers, in-house company counsels, and legal advisors. The course is taught in small groups of 12 in an executive meeting room in order to maintain quality and ensure better interaction among participants. The programme is interactive and involves a mixture of case studies and role-playing. Space is limited to 12 attendees.
You Will Be Able To:
Identify different negotiation styles
Develop a strategy to create win-win situations
Better persuade and influence colleagues, clients, and opponents
Negotiate in a multi-cultural environment
Act as a Negotiator in an effective and professional matter
Mediate conflict among individuals
Negotiation Models
Overview of different Negotiation Styles
Dealing with Aggressive Negotiators
Preparing for Negotiations
Identifying the Appropriate Strategy
Zone of Possible Agreements (ZOPA)
Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA)
Communications Skills
Effective listening/speaking
Body Language
Presentation of Argument
Dealing with Difficult People
Emotional Appeals
Registration ProcedureTo register for the course:1. In the Ticket Information section, choose the type of ticket (e.g. One Professional, Two Professionals, Student) and the number of tickets you want in the drop down window 2. Click Order Now3. In the next page, enter your Registration Information (e.g. Name, Address, Phone Number, email)4. Click Send Me An Invoice5. We will then email you an attached Invoice with information on how to pay for the course6. After your payment has been processed, we you sending you an email confirming Registration
Terms and Conditions
The attendee may cancel attendance to the program within 10 business days of registration and receive a refund of payment, minus 10 administrative fees
After 10 business days of registration, the attendee may cancel attendance to the program anytime, for any reason, and receive a refund of payment, minus a 100 cancellation fee and 10 administrative fees
OEC Limited reserves the right to alter, change, substitute, or modifythe program, date,trainer, or venue without prior notice. OEC Limited also reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the course, for whatever reason. In the event the course is canceled or rescheduled, the attendee shall be entitled to a full refund of payment and a voucher to attend a furture OEC event for free.
In an event of a dispute, the parties will attempt to resolve the conflict amicably. If this fails, the law of England shall apply and the courts of London shall have exclusive jurisdiction
For more information contact:
Egemen zge ZHAN, LL.M. (AUHF)e-mail:
egemen@oeclimited.co.ukGSM: 05052720218
Organized by OEC LimitedOEC
Limited is a London based company that organises workshops to develop
the skills and know-how of professionals located in the Caspian, Black
Sea and Central Asia regions. We aim to provide clients with relevant
vocational training that bridges the gap of theory and practice. For more information check out: www.oeclimited.co.uk
Ticket Info: - One Professional, €500.00
- Two Professionals, €400.00
- Intern Lawyer, Professional (discount), €350.00
- Student (LL.B, LL.M, Ph.D. ), €350.00
Official Website: http://ankara-upcoming.eventbrite.com