85 MacDougal St
New York, New York

Egg decorating is one of our favorite past times so lets keep 
our inner child alive and bust out the egg dye, along with the booze. Join us on Saturday, March 30th from 2:30pm-4:30pm at Camaje (85 MacDougal St) for 2 hours of egg-citing egg dying!

 You will receive 1 dozen eggs, hors d'oeuvres, a glass of wine, champagne or beer 
and all the creative decorations your heart desires. 
Master Chef Abigail Hitchcock will be the judge of the best dozen 
and the winner receives a Camaje gift certificate!

Tickets are $40 and for more information please visit: http://www.iadventure.com/event/detail/515075b251972/adult-easter-egg-dying-party-at-camaje

Added by R. Couri Hay Creative PR on March 26, 2013