52 Newtown Rd
Groton, Connecticut 06340

NOW is the time to learn about adoption at the Groton Public Library!

A CT-AFS adoption case worker will explain the different types of adoptions, offer a step-by-step outline for adopting a child and answer any questions you may have concerning adoption. Participants will be provided with a packet of resource information to help families, individuals, and couples (non-discriminatory) begin an adoption journey.

Pre-registration is required: text 860-639-6487 /call 860-444-0553/ emailCTAFS@CTadoptions.org or schedule a one on one adoption inquiry meeting at the CT-AFS offices in New London.

Official Website: http://ctadoptions.org

Added by whatupmomma on September 5, 2012



I'm not just the agency's family recruiter, I'm also an adoptive parent via CT-AFS!

Interested 1