Informational Sessions for People Interested in Finding Out more about Adoption: First Thursday of every month 7:00 to 8:00 PM Borders Books and Music Seattle's Best Cafe Manchester, CT A Connecticut Adoption and Family Services worker will explain different types of adoption and offer a step-by-step outline to adopting a child. Adoption of infants from within the United States, as well as the adoption of children from countries through which Connecticut Adoption and Family Services facilitates adoptions from, will be discussed. Adopting a child from Connecticut state foster care through Project Connecticuts Child, a grant funded low cost adoption program will also be covered. Pre-register by calling 860-444-0553 for more information or to schedule a one on one adoption inquiry meeting at the Connecticut Adoption and Family Services offices in New London.
Official Website:
Added by whatupmomma on December 10, 2009