Course is offered by the Beverly Hills Adult School, to enroll call (310) 551-5150. Class meets at the Beverly Hills High School, 241 S. Moreno Dr., BH 90210. Ample free parking on campus, entrance is at Moreno & Durant Drives (stop light).
This hands-on course builds on your existing knowledge of Photoshop and expands your list of creative techniques to turn an ordinary photo into the extraordinary. We'll focus on features such as using curves to correct exposure/color, blending modes, gradient maps, advanced retouching and selection skills such as masking & the pen tool. Prerequisite: Beginning Photoshop or previous experience.
Course #062019
5 Tuesdays, May 19, 6:30-9:30pm,
Room 191, $105
For more info email me: kjphotog @
Enrolled students are eligible to purchase Photoshop at a discount.
Added by kjphotog on May 6, 2009