1627 K Street,Suite 900, NW
Washington DC, District of Columbia 20006


Contact:202-429-9700 / MartinD@FMCtraining.com

(3 day class)
2011: 10/24-26, 12/14-16
2012: 1/30-32, 3/7-9, 5/16-18


Flash is one of the most engaging and innovative, and versatile technologies available - allowing the creation of pretty much anything from simple slideshows, animated banners and icons and cartoons, to Rich Internet Applications, Interactive videos, and dynamic user interfaces for web sites, kiosks, or DVDs. The possibilities are endless, except that now, it just got better. In 2010, Adobe released Flash CS5, which boasts a whole host of new features, including a new text engine, a Code Snippets panel to Reduce the ActionScript® 3.0 learning curve, enhanced Creative Suite integration, video improvements, new attributes to the Bones tool, new brushes for the Deco tool, and much more. Like before, Flash offers full ActionScript 3.0 support, a PSD and AI importer, Tweening, animation, etc. In this course you'll learn Flash CS5 from the ground up.

What you will learn

* The ins and outs of the Flash CS5 interface
* How to use all of Flash CS5's essential features, such as text, graphics, and animation
* How to use video and sound effectively in Flash
* Using Illustrator and Photoshop files in Flash
* Basics of ActionScript 3.0
* Building Flash user interfaces rapidly using components
* Optimizing and publishing your Flash movies
* Best practices and much more

Lesson 1: Getting Acquainted

* Starting Flash and Opening a File
* Getting to Know the Work Area
* Working with the Library Panel
* Understanding the Timeline
* Organizing Layers in the Timeline
* Using the Property Inspector
* Using the Tools Panel
* Undoing Steps in Flash
* Previewing Your Movie

Lesson 2: Working with Graphics

* Shapes, Primitives and Objects
* Understanding Strokes and Fills
* Creating Rectangles and Ovals
* Using the Pen Tool
* Using a Gradient Fill
* Making Selections
* Making Patterns
* Creating Curves

Lesson 3: Creating and Editing Symbols

* Importing Photoshop and Illustrator Files
* Creating Symbols
* Editing and Managing Symbols
* Changing the Color Effect of Instances
* Understanding Blend Effects
* Applying Filters for Special Effects
* Positioning in 3D Space

Lesson 4: Adding Animation

* About Animation
* Animating Position
* Changing the Pacing and Timing
* Animating Transparency
* Animating Filters
* Animating Transformations
* Changing the Path of the Motion
* Swapping Tween Targets
* Creating Nested Animations
* Using the Motion Editor
* Easing
* Animating 3D Motion

Lesson 5: Articulated Motion and Morphing

* Articulated Motion with Inverse Kinematics
* Constraining Joints
* Inverse Kinematics with Shapes
* Armature Options
* Morphing with Shape Tweens
* Using Shape Hints

Lesson 6: Creating Interactive Navigation

* About Interactive Movies
* Designing a Layout
* Creating Buttons
* Understanding ActionScript 3.0
* Using the Code Snippets Panel
* Adding a Stop Action
* Creating Event Handlers for Buttons
* Creating Destination Keyframes
* Playing Animation at the Destination
* Animated Buttons

Lesson 7: Using Text

* Create and style text
* About Static and Dynamic text
* UIScroll bar Component
* Add Hyperlinks to text
* Load external text
* Understanding when to embed fonts

Lesson 8: Working with Sound and Video

* Using and understanding sound in Flash
* Understanding Flash Video
* Using the Adobe Media Encoder
* Understanding Encoding Options
* FLV Playback Component
* Playback of External Video
* Working with Video and Transparency
* Embedding Flash Video

Lesson 9: Loading and Controlling Flash Content

* Loading External Content
* Removing External Content
* Controlling Movie Clips
* Creating Masks

Lesson 10: Publishing

* Testing a Flash Document
* Understanding the Bandwidth Profiler
* Publishing a Movie for the Web
* Publishing a Movie for the Web

Added by fmctraining on July 28, 2010

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