This course is designed by Adobe for application developers who want to bring the power of Rich Internet Applications to their Web applications using Flex 3. We use original Adobe courseware.
Instructor's BIO:
Yakov Fain works as Flex and Java architect at Farata Systems, a company that provides Flex and AIR consulting and training services. He authored several Java books, dozens of technical articles. Recently he co-authored book , "Rich Internet Applications with Adobe Flex and Java: Secrets of the Masters". Sun Microsystems has nominated and awarded Yakov with the title Java Champion. He leads the Princeton Java Users Group. Yakov is Adobe Certified Flex Instructor. He's a co-author of the upcoming OReilly book "Enterprise Development with Flex"
This training includes the following two courses created by Adobe:
Flex3: Developing Rich Client Applications (3 days)
Below is a brief course outline. For more details, please see
Introducing Adobe Flex 3
Getting Started with Flex Builder 3
Learning Flex Fundamentals
Handling Events
Using Simple Controls
Laying Out an Application with Containers
Laying out an Application Using Constraint-Based Layout
Using View States for Application Design
Creating Application Navigation
Customizing the Application
Using MXML and ActionScript Data Models
Exchanging Data Between Components Using Custom Events
Retrieving XML Data with HTTPService
Displaying Data Using the DataGrid
Flex 3 and Live Cycle Data Services: Integrating With Data and Messaging (2 days)
Below is a brief course outline. For more details see
Accessing Web Services
Introduction to Flex Data Services
Using Java Classes as Remote Object Services
Validating and Formatting Data
Manipulating Complex Data
Using the Flex Message Service
Using the Flex Data Management Service
Providing XML to Controls with E4X
Course Objectives
After taking this course attendees will be able to:
Quickly build Flex user interfaces using Eclipse-based Flex Builder IDE
Handle events and data structures
Use remote XML data with controls
Create custom components with MXML
Use custom events
Use controls, DataGrids, and ItemRenderers with Data Sets
Build attractive site navigation into the application
Create highly interactive forms with data validation
Access server side objects and applications
Populate your Flex application at runtime with data from an external web services
Transmit data from your Flex application to a web service (including file uploads)
Create a Flex application that dynamically interacts with XML, web services, and Java-based server-side systems
Manipulate complex data sets at runtime based on user requests
Additional unit: Creating applications with BlazeDS
Note: Students must bring their own laptops.
Organized by Farata SystemsFarata Systems is a leading IT consulting and product development company providing enterprise-wide IT solutions specializing in the area of rich internet applications.
We hire experts who have established long term successful track records of developing enterprise applications, not just talking about them.
Ticket Info: - Super Early Bird, $1,195.00
- Full Price, $1,495.00
Official Website: