701 N. 34th St.
Seattle, Washington 98103

August 16th Topics & Speakers
Significance of multi-platform content creation – Tejpaul Bhatia of Tej Media (New York)

Using Questionmark Perception with Captivate – Jim Baker of Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield

>> Our purpose is to join the local community of Captivate users and e-learning professionals to collectively discuss best practices, tips & tricks and industry trends.

>> How do I become a member?
Membership is free. Just show up at the next meeting.

>> Location?
Adobe Conference Center
U 2 Room
701 N. 34th St.
Seattle, WA 98103

>> How often?
3rd Thursday, every month (give or take a month)
Check website for schedule

Official Website: http://captivateseattle.com

Added by markchrisman on July 19, 2007

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