1627 K Street,Suite 900,NW,
Washington, District of Columbia 20006



(3 days)
2011: 12/29-31
2012: 2/20-22 , 5/23-25 , 7/11-13


Acrobat's cross-platform capabilities allow you to distribute your documents efficiently without sacrificing the original design. When you need to distribute your documents to viewers using a variety of platforms and software - Acrobat is your tool of choice. This three-day course provides an excellent overview of how to convert your work into Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). You will learn how to incorporate text, notes, graphics, movies and links to the Internet. Upon completion of this course, participants will have a excellent understanding of the menu and tools in Acrobat and be able to perform work with a high level of efficiency.

Course Outline:
Note: The curricula below comprise activities typically covered in a class at this skill level. The instructor may, at his/her discretion, adjust the lesson plan to meet the needs of the class.

Lesson 1: Introducing Adobe Acrobat 9

* About Adobe PDF
* About Adobe Acrobat
* Adobe PDF on the web
* A first look at the work area
* Viewing PDF presentations in Full Screen mode
* Designing documents for online viewing
* Getting help

Lesson 2: Looking at the Work Area

* Opening a PDF file in the work area
* Working with Acrobat tools and toolbars
* Working with Acrobat task buttons
* Working with the navigation pane
* Using Organizer

Lesson 3: Creating Adobe PDF Files

* About creating Adobe PDF files
* Using the Create PDF command
* Dragging and dropping files
* Converting and combining different types of files
* Using the Print command to create Adobe PDF files
* About the Adobe PDF Settings (presets)
* Reducing file size
* About compression and resampling

Lesson 4: Combining Files in PDF Portfolios

* About PDF Portfolios
* Creating a PDF Portfolio
* Customizing your PDF Portfolio
* Sharing your PDF Portfolio
* Securing a PDF Portfolio
* Searching a PDF Portfolio

Lesson 5: Reading and Working with PDF Files

* Changing the opening view
* About the onscreen display
* Reading PDF documents
* Searching PDF documents
* Printing PDF documents
* Filling out PDF forms
* About flexibility, accessibility, and structure
* Looking at accessible documents
* Making files flexible and accessible
* Adding tags
* Adding Alt Text (alternate text)
* Using the Acrobat accessibility features

Lesson 6: Enhancing and Editing PDF Documents

* Looking at the work file
* Moving pages with page thumbnails
* Editing Adobe PDF pages
* Editing links
* Inserting one PDF file into another PDF file
* Working with bookmarks
* Deleting a page
* Renumbering pages
* Editing and extracting text and images
* Editing images using the TouchUp Object tool
* Converting PDF pages to image format files

Lesson 7: Adding Signatures and Security

* About digital signatures
* Creating digital signatures
* About security
* Looking at security settings
* Adding security to PDF files
* Adding passwords
* Certifying PDF files
* Signing certified documents

Lesson 8: Using Acrobat in a Review Cycle

* About the review process
* Adding comments to a PDF document
* About the commenting tools
* Working with comments

Lesson 9: Working with Forms in Acrobat

* Converting PDF files to interactive PDF forms
* Adding form fields
* Distributing forms
* Collecting form data

Lesson 10: Creating Multimedia Presentations

* Adding a video file to a PDF file (Acrobat Pro and Pro Extended)
* Adding a Flash animation (Acrobat Pro and Pro Extended)
* Assigning a poster file for a video or animation (Acrobat Pro and Pro Extended)
* Creating a presentation

Lesson 11: Using the Legal Features

* About Bates numbering and redaction
* Applying Bates numbering
* Defining Bates numbering
* Editing Bates numbering
* Applying redaction
* Changing the Documents preferences
* Setting the Redaction tool properties
* Searching text for redaction

Lesson 12: Using the Engineering and Technical Features

* Working with layers
* Using the Pan & Zoom tool
* Using the 2D measuring tools
* Using the Loupe tool

Lesson 13: Using Acrobat in Professional Printing

* Creating PDF files for print and prepress
* Preflighting files (Acrobat Pro and Pro Extended)
* Working with transparency (Acrobat Pro and Pro Extended)
* Setting up color management
* Previewing your print job
* Advanced printing controls

Lesson 14: Working with 3D in PDF Files

* Working with 3D content in PDF files
* Reviewing and commenting on 3D models

Added by fmctraining on March 23, 2011

Interested 1