1 Hamilton Place
Boston, Massachusetts 02108

Saturday, October 7, 2006
11:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Hampton Inn and Suites,Stamford,CT.

Mill River Dr
Stamford, Connecticut Ct
(Yahoo! Maps, Google Maps)

Hampton Inn and Suites

Mill River Dr
Stamford,Ct, Connecticut
(Yahoo! Maps, Google Maps)

Life and Study Skills for Our AD/HD Students

Strategies for success in the upcoming school year

What are Life Skills for Our AD/HD- Youth ,Teens and College students?

Anders W. Osborne, Ph.D. who recieved her Ph.D. from Trinity College , Cambridge University, Cambridge,England has developed a program on ADD-AD/HD over a fifteen year period.

"Life Skills for our AD/HD Youth" provides educational information and support for families dealing with AD/HD.

Teaching parents and students the skills to navigate the challenges of AD/HD across thier lifespan. The curriculum was developed by Dr.Osborne who has lived the experience, and who also had access to the best researchers and practitioners in the country.

The entire course is offered as a one day conference. Dr. Osborne invites students for four hours of class time. Dr. Osborne invites parents to join the last two hours of the conference where she will review the lecture and offer a questions and answer session.

The conference is scheduled for six hours. Each student receives extensive materials to support the confrence including reference materials, handouts ,take home books and a 1 year FranklinCovey school activities planner . Lunch is included with the cost of the class

An overview of AD/HD “ The World According to AD/HD"

* Learning organizational & time management skills
* Learning test taking strategies & study skills
* Learning temper & impulse control
* Learning social cues and skill building

Does your youth know how smart, multi-talented and exciting they are due to their AD/HD? By the end of the class they will understand we are wired differently.We do and think differently. We are filled with lots of positive attributes!

Conversation with parents on the following topics:
The Impact of AD/HD on the Family and Creating Developmentally Appropriate and Positive Behavioral Interventions

Developing Parenting Strategies and Interventions to Strengthen Family Relationships

What Do I Do When My Child is Having Difficulty at School: Understanding the Federal education Laws?

AD/HD Across the Life Span: Youth and Teens with AD/HD

Please call Famiy Educational Services at 919-325-1820 for pre-registration, location and times of the classes listed below. Class is limited to 20 students

Payments are accepted online in order to reserve your space through Paypal.com{1 million customers strong }.

Discounts are offered to invididuals who are members of CHADD, ADDA, Meet-Up ADD groups, and Upcoming .org{ Events listed on Upcoming.org-http://upcoming.org/
Contact: familyed@hotmail.com :redd3123@hotmail.com

Please visit us on line:WWW.familyeducationalservices.squarespace.com


Added by Redd3123 on September 25, 2006

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