I am pleased to announce that on December 16th Whispering Lake Grove, ADF will be hosting a Norse Yule celebration beginning at 5:30 PM at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Erie, PA, located at 7180 Perry Highway. We welcome all to join us as we gather together at the height of the long dark and look forward to the promise of the growing light. We will honor Odin as the Patron of our rite. Our celebration will include a traditional Norse Sumbel. During the Sumbel we will lift our glasses and horns in honor of our Ancestors and our Deities, as well as, boast of our deeds of the year past and make oaths for the year to come. After the rite we will retire to our great hall where there will be much boasting, toasting, firth and fun. We will gather around the great table to share in the bounty of the past years harvest. So, bring a hearty appetite and a dish to share as we gather in celebration, fun and companionship during the height of the long dark.
As always our celebration is free and open to all , but any donation to help pay for space rental would be most welcome.
So join us as we stand together as one people against the long dark and look forward to the returning light.
Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of EriePAGuy.
Added by EriePAGuy on December 11, 2007