1485 Delgany
Denver, Colorado 80202

The Brief is an Art Directors CLub of Denver sponsored student design competition
simulating a late night at the agency. Assigned intercollegiate teams of 3 (Senior, Junior,
Sophmore/Freshman) will pair with Denver Creative Directors and Art Directors to meet client
needs detailed in The Brief.

2.0 hours concepting: pencil and paper.
1.5 hours execution: digital media.

CLIENT: Arts Street
PRIZE: Scholarship Money for best concept and for best execution.
FEE: $20.00
DATE: Thursday 10.23.2008
TIME: 5:30pm ~ 10:00pm

For your registration to be valid you MUST let us know the following:

• Your College or University
• Your class standing (Senior, Junior, or Sophmore/Freshman)
• If you can bring a laptop or imac with Adobe CS (Strongly encouraged for Juniors and

Things to bring:

• Sharp #2 pencils and gum erasers
• Laptop or imac with Adobe CS (Strongly encouraged for Juniors and Seniors)
• Login to your stock-photo account and/or a digital camera (Optional)
• Your collection of typefaces

Address any questions to:
Peter Bergman, pregenol@mscd.edu

Registration closes 10.20.2008

Added by ADCD on September 15, 2008

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