It's Adaptive Path's Fifth Anniversary!
Please join us for our annual fiesta (yes, the taco truck will be
back). We're celebrating five great years, wishing the Measure Map
team happy hunting at Google, and sending off author-to-be Indi Young
in style.
Bigger and better every year, the party is set for Thursday, March 2.
It'll start at about 6PM and wrap-up much, much later.
Save March 2nd on your calendar and come to visit our San Francisco
Added by raebrune on February 22, 2006
Drinks are on Veen.
Are we giving you all wood?
Not just drinks - Veen should have to do some humiliating dance or something.
"should?" that guy doesn't need much prompting to start acting up. really, he just needs bourbon.
or to put it a little differently, @ an ap party, "drinks are on veen" takes on a totally different meaning.
Tacos+bourbon= teh Mexican Jumping Veen.
I'm so there.
If you ask nicely, I'll even wear my sombrero. ?Muy bien!
Sounds awesome. Would anyone be able to help me out from Palo Alto? I have brought no drivers licence, so I cannot rent a car. :(
getv in da house! wear your best tshirts
take the commuter rail up from palo alto there only a couple blocks from the sf station.
Veen you better have a lot of beer and food but hey who always do cause your the man!
For Nicole:
Me +1
Me +1
I'll show up for an hour.
Me + 1, and i'm hungry for TACOS :D
Taco truck? Yes, please. Congratulations on 5 years, folks!
May not come after all. Happy anniversary anyway though!
congrats on 5 years all!
is there a burrito truck? i'm not coming if there's no burrito truck or equivalent ;)