A married man, an alluring yet unstable mistress, an
obsession of epic proportions; a raucous on-stage
remake in the campy, creative style that only Actors'
Theater of Washington can deliver.
WHO: Actors' Theater of Washington presents "Fatal
Attraction: A Greek Tragedy," a parody of the 1987
cult classic; written by Alana McNair and Kate
Wilkinson. Starring Kevin Boggs, Milky Way, Katherine
Deadman, Mary C. Davis; Featuring ATW favorites Dallas
Miller and Frank Britton; Directed by Matty Griffiths.
WHAT: The thrilling tale of a weekend affair gone
very, very wrong. Fear of abandonment, lust,
manipulation, suicidal tendencies, anger and
bitterness. A bloody bathtub, Rabbit Stew and more!
What could be better?
WHERE: Source Theater, 1835 14th St., NW
WHEN: Opens Friday, Nov. 3; runs Friday and Saturday
nights at 11:30 p.m. for the duration of ATW's main
stage performance, "Never the Sinner" (Oct. 21 - Nov.
Tickets are available through the ATW website,
www.atwdc.org, through BoxOfficeTickets.com and at go
mama go! at 14th and S Sts., NW.
Call 1-800-494-8497 for more information.
Official Website: http://atwdc.org
Added by atwpublicity on October 21, 2006