Title: SVAMA Presents: Web Strategy Morning Forum
Actionable Web Analytics
"Lots of data, very little time, how to achieve happiness?"
In the most data rich environment in the world it is amazing that online marketing is still a faith based initiative. Learn actionable insights that you can implement in your web reporting efforts the very next day. From his in-the-trenches experience Avinash shares insights on how to make your website data more actionable. Segmentation, Benchmarking, Multi Dimensional Analysis and more.
Speaker: Avinash Kaushik - Author, Blogger, Analytics Evangelist Google
Bio: Avinash Kaushik is the author of the recently published book Web Analytics: An Hour A Day (http://www.snipurl.com/wahour) and the Analytics Evangelist for Google. Kaushik is a frequent speaker at industry conferences in the US and Europe, such as eMetrics summits, Ad-Tech, Web 2.0 Expo and SES. Through his book and blog Avinash focuses on helping companies unlock the power of data from human-powered but technology-driven innovations. You'll find Kaushik 's web analytics blog, Occam's Razor at http://www.kaushik.net/avinash.
When: July 3rd, 7:45 - 9:00 AM (breakfast provided)
Where: Special Location! Google - Building B43, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA
Cost: SVAMA members, $5; $15 for non-members
Method of payment: Currently cash or check
SVAMA members $5, $15 for non-members.
Official Website: http://www.svama.org
Added by FullCalendar on June 29, 2008