Written by: Carolyn Marzette-Bolivar
Directed by: Erika Freeman
"ACTING OUT" is a hilariously satirical, moonstruck adventure, in science fiction/comedy genre, that transcends a powerful message to continue the quest for peace, love and health, set in the Valley of the Moon, an authentic enclave in Wine Country, California, where the writer counseled at-risk teenagers and seeks to demystify their world.
Terror-ific teens perform to save their future-- before it's too late
Location: The Carver Theatre
Date: October 23, 2010
Time: 7:00 pm (read less)
Written by: Carolyn Marzette-Bolivar
Directed by: Erika Freeman
"ACTING OUT" is a hilariously satirical, moonstruck adventure, in science fiction/comedy genre, that transcends a powerful message to continue the quest for peace, love and health, set in the Valley of the Moon, an authentic enclave in Wine Country, California, where the writer counseled at-risk teenagers and seeks to demystify their world.
Terror-ific teens perform to save their future-- before it's too late
Location: The... (read more)Privacy Type:
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Added by oneteamjolly on October 18, 2010