For the past twenty two years, the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing has been a primary gathering forum for applied computer scientists, computer engineers, software engineers, and application developers from around the world. SAC 2008 is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing, and is hosted byThe University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR) and the Federal University of CearĂ¡ (UFC).
SAC is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing
Follow this link for the special track flyer.
Ubiquitous Computing Applications
The ACM SAC 2008 Track on Ubiquitous Computing welcomes paper submissions on all types of UC research and applications with emphasis on those describing research that directly affects the realisation of eCommerce and eBusiness applications and systems within AmI spaces.
Possible application areas include but are not restricted to:
* Private and public AmI spaces
* UC applications that support different human activities, such as working, collaborating, learning, travelling, entertainment, etc.
* UC applications for social human activities, such as transportation, negotiation, communication, etc.
* Interaction with UC systems, including motion recognition, attention-driven interaction, natural language interaction etc.
* Tools that support synthesis, orchestration and composition of UC applications
* Ubiquitous cognitive assistance including ubiquitous valet, rememberer systems or software robots
* Ubiquitous and pervasive eCommerce including shopping assistants, retail environments and home shopping
* Adaptive context-aware services for conducting transactions and accessing digital goods or assets
* UC services and applications that support organisational knowledge maintenance and diffusion
* Emergent UC services
The UC Track will particularly welcome practical results, description and analysis of user experiments and demonstrations of working prototypes of ubiquitous computing applications.
Official Website:
Added by walterra on January 2, 2008