Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore, Karnataka 560012

ACM has the pleasure to invite you to participate at ICFCA. ACM Council is organizing the International Conference on Futuristic Computing Applications (ICFCA 2010) in association with Google, Cisco, Infosys and others. Read more at

A collateral event, Internship Programme (IP 2010) will also be held along with ICFCA 2010 to facilitate the interested participants to secure internships at our sponsor MNC companies like Google, Yahoo, TI and rest.

You can send your paper to for review by the experts’ panel.

Conference Website

ICFCA Benefits

The accepted papers are published at ACM DL and the IJFCA journals.

The accepted papers are indexed, searchable and included at Google Scholar and Citeseer.

The accepted papers will be consulted by the participating companies and shall be attempted for implementations. The authors shall enjoy loyalty if ever their papers are translated into working protoytpes.

The accepted papers can be cited anywhere including doctoral thesis, masters thesis, synopsis, references, seminar papers etc.

The authors shall be awarded participating certificates from ACM worldwide.

Network with some of the best researchers and industry professionals.

Get the opportunity to intern at Fortune 500 companies.

For more details visit the conference web site at


* Paper/Manuscript submission last date : 15 September, 2009
* Acceptance/Rejection Notification : 16 November, 2009
* Application of live webcasting account : 20 January, 2010
* Camera-Ready paper submission last date : 29 January, 2010
* Copyright form submission last date : 29 January, 2010
* Conference Dates: 20-21 March, 2010

ICFCA Absentia

Those who cannot come to Bangalore on the conference days due to prior engagements but wish to present a paper in absentia can do so. Papers presented in absentia are eligible to be included in the conference and shall avail of all the privileges bestowed on any regular paper. The full length papers will be published in International Journal of Futuristic Computing as well and shall also compete for a place in the ACM Digital Library. The author who registers in absentia will be sent the conference and sponsors kits by April 25, 2010.

The ACM Council shall be highly obliged if you forward this mail to all the concerns.

Official Website:

Added by Prof. P Thrope on April 7, 2009