In 2007, we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia series which is the acknowledged venue for high quality peer-reviewed research on linking. The web, the semantic web and Web 2.0 are all manifestations of the success of the link.
The Hypertext Conference provides the forum for research that considers links, their semantics, their presentation, the applications they have been put to, the knowledge that can be derived from their analysis and their effect on society. If information is connected, then the connection is called a link: the Hypertext Conference is concerned with all research concerning links.
The conference will take place June 19-21, 2008, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, directly after ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (see Both conferences are being hosted by the School of Information Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh. Following our theme of "linking people and places," it is of interest to note that in 1998, the ACM Hypertext and Digital Libraries conferences were co-located in Pittsburgh, PA. Soon after 1998, the ACM Digital Libraries Conference evolved into the Joint
Conference on Digital Libraries. In 2008, Hypertext conference celebrating links is again linked to JCDL in Pittsburgh, ten years later.
IMPORTANT: May 19th is the last day to register with the early bird
discounted registration fee both JDCL 2008 and Hypertext 2008. A
discount of $100 ($50 for students) if also available for those
registering for both conferences.
Official Website:
Added by emv on May 24, 2008