Achieving Marketing Success in Challenging Times
Your budget has been slashed again...for the third time this year. Your original budget was based on revenue goals. Today, though, you're stuck with meeting (or due to executive pressure, exceeding) the same revenue goals with a much smaller budget.
Now what?
Marketing in a recession is challenging for companies of all sizes and markets. Right now, when companies are doing their best just to stay afloat, it doesn't matter if you're targeting consumers or businesses, the challenges are similar. You need to achieve better response rates with less spend, obtain more leads with less promotional activities.
Achieving Marketing Success in Challenging Times, moderated by Market4Demand President, Diane Robinette, presents 4 distinguished panelists with deep expertise as executive marketing practitioners. Join us the morning of December 9, 2008 to learn from these experts on how you can stretch your marketing budget during tough financial times.
Topics covered include:
*Leveraging global or national media messages for your product or service
*Spinning your existing messages to fit the times
*Creative ideas that fit a shoestring budget
*Negotiating uncommon promotion deals with vendors
*Getting the most out of your team, partners and vendors
The Panel:
*Diane M.Z. Robinette, President, Market4Demand, Inc. (Moderator)
*Sarah Autrand, Founder and CEO, Market4Demand, Inc.
*Cynthia Holladay, Principal & CEO, UpRight Marketing
*Dan Lofgren, VP of Marketing and Product Management, TVU networks
*Ken Rutsky, VP of Product Marketing, Network Security Business Unit, McAfee
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Added by FullCalendar on November 19, 2008