3250 Central Expressway
Santa Clara, California 95051

Ace-Club presents:

Winemob: Sparkling Wines

Wed, Dec 8, 7:00pm-10:00pm, Santa Clara

MORE INFO: http://www.Ace-Club.com

I have set aside 30 places for the ACE crowd. As always for Winemob, you need to RSVP/prepay online.

INCLUDES: Great people, wine-tasting, light bites, our wine glasses and locale.

THIS MONTH'S TASTING: This is the holiday season so we will try a variety of sparking wines, from France, California, and if I can track some down, sparking Shiraz (my favorite). As always, this will be a casual, volunteer-run event with the emphasis on fun, with a bit of information thrown in.

WINEMOB: Wine-tasting often costs anywhere from $50 to $100. We can do better. WineMob parties are homespun and friendly with about 25 attendees.

WINE: All the wine will be purchased from Trader Joes or Bevmo, with maybe a bottle of Chateau Safeway as well. We will buy the wine the day before. Please make sure to sign up online as we can't legally sell tix at the door for this one.

WEAR: Dressy casual suggested.

Wednesday, December 8

Decathlon Club
3250 Central Expressway
Santa Clara, CA, 95051

ACE Members: $10.00, Guests: $20.00.

Website: http://www.Ace-Club.com
Email: catleya562@yahoo.com

About Ace-Club:
The Bay Area's Premiere Social Activities Club. Sign up at www.ace-club.com
First two weeks free.

Added by nancytubbs on November 19, 2004

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