Palo Alto, California

ACE-CLUB presents:

ACE-Club: Texas Holdem Poker

Sat, Apr 30, 8:00pm-11:00pm, Palo Alto

MORE INFO: http://www.ACE-Club.com

Let's Play Poker!!!

Our poker parties have been going pretty well, so far everyone seems to enjoy them! If you've been to our parties before, you might be interested in the change of format- If you haven't been to our poker games yet, you should definitely check it out!

Texas Holdem Poker is getting very popular, tournaments are being held all over the place these days, so I thought it might be fun to have one of our own. If you've seen these tournaments on ESPN or Bravo, it'll be similar.

We invite you to come check it out, even if you don't know a heart from a spade- Check out the rules of Texas Holdem Poker. We will go over the rules and do a demo game before we get going at 8:00 sharp.

RULES: Depending on the number of attendees, we will have cash prizes for the top players. We're asking everyone to please bring a contribution of snacks or drinks to share.

MEETING TIME: We're meeting at 7:30 to settle in and go over the rules- We will do a demo game around 7:45 for any new players to poker or to Texas Holdem. We will start playing at 8:00 sharp- After 8:30- no new players can enter the tournament.

HOSTS: Christy, Rita and Don will be your hosts for the evening.

LOCATION: The private Palo Alto location will be mailed to you after you sign up. Please register and confirm by the deadline and we will send you the location.

PLAYERS: If we have enough people, we'll start with two tables and after eliminating half the players, we'll combine the remaining players to one table- After we've combined tables, we'll start a new table (just for fun) for the eliminated players, so everyone can stay and play. We will play until 11:30.

Friends, food and poker- what a way to spend an evening. Please join us for a night of TEXAS HOLDEM POKER!!!

Saturday, April 30

Private venue in Palo Alto, TBA after registration


Website: http://www.ACE-Club.com
Email: scott@ace-club.com
Phone: 888-835-0865

ACE-CLUB ~ Silicon Valley's Premier Social Club
30+ Social Events and Outdoor Adventures Every Month
Est 1998 - Most Events are FREE or under $25
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Added by nancytubbs on March 26, 2005

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