World class speakers in Innovation and Creative Industries
Technology showcase from world leading manufacturers
PitchStop - Creative StartUp Platform
Creative Learning Summits
Hands-On Creative BootCamps
Un-Conference on Creative Business Opportunity Development
Wednesday 25th March ACE conference Day 1
Venue: Playhouse Theatre, Artillery Street, Derry
12.00 - 13.00
Registration Playhouse reception
13.00 - 13.30
Opening Address: Ian Hughes, IBM, Creativity & Metaverse Evangelist Playhouse Context Gallery
13.30 - 15.00
Panel Discussion: Why Creativity Matters: Dylan Collins Demonware, Founder Playhouse Context Galleryand Alison J. Malloy, General Manager, Eastman Kodak.
15.00 - 15.30
Coffee break
PitchStop Playhouse Dance Studio
Creative Learning Summits Playhouse Context Gallery
15.30 - 17.00
ACE PitchStop:
Sean Melly, Chairman, Powers Court
Steve Limpe, Serial Entrepreneur, PetroChem USA, Beenz, Acoustiguide,
Bill Delfing,Global Finance Professional, Resources Global,
Brian Kelley, Senior Advisor, Deutsche Bank
Shawn Hartpence, Serial Investor - Capital, Private Equity, Hedge Funds
Creative Learning Summit 1, ADOBE Summit leader:Andrew Shorten, Adobe, Platform Evangelist: Serge Jespers, Platform Evangelist Adobe:
17.00 18.00
ACE PitchStop - Networking & Demos
Creative Learning Summit 2 Mobility & Creativity - PALM, ARCHOS Summit Leaders: Ed Colligan, CEO, Palm, Tony Limrick, MD, Steve Martin and Michaela Davies Archos
18.00 20.00
Unconference pre-party time Playhouse Context Gallery
Thursday 26th March ACE conference Day 2
Venues: Play house, Artillery Street, Derry & Millennium Forum, Newmarket Street, Derry
9.30 10.00
Registration Playhouse reception
10.00 10.30
Keynote address Paul McLaughlin, Lionhead Studios Playhouse Context Gallery
10.30 -12.00
Panel discussion, Creativity in business: Francesco DOrazio, David Whortley Playhouse Context Gallery
12.00 14.00
UnConference General Assembly / Lunch / Exhibition Piazza, Millennium Forum
14.00 15.00
Unconference 1, Developing creative opportunity Millennium Room, E Wall Bar, Farquhar Rooms, Foyle Room, Diamond Room
15.00 16.00
Unconference 2, Selling creative opportunity Millennium Room, E Wall Bar, Farquhar Rooms, Foyle Room, Diamond Room
16.00 17.00
Unconference 3, Converging creative opportunity Millennium Room , E Wall Bar, Farquhar Rooms, Foyle Room, Diamond Room
17.00 18.00
Unconference 4, Networking creative opportunity Millennium Room , E Wall Bar, Farquhar Rooms, Foyle Room, Diamond Room
19.00 - Late
Unconference partytime, HALO Restaurant, Linenhall Street, Derry
Friday 27th March ACE conference Day 3
Venues: NWRC, Strand Road, Derry; Verbal Arts Centre, Bishop Street, Derry; Nerve Centre, Magazine Street, Derry
9.00 - 9.30
Registration Reception, Northland Building, NWRC, Strand Road, Derry
9.30 - 9.40
Official Launch of Digital Media Works Incubator Erin Room Restaurant, Northland Building, Strand Road, Derry
9.40 - 10.00
Microsoft Biz Spark Innovation Accelerator Launch Erin Room Restaurant, Northland Building, Strand Road, Derry
10.00 -11.30am
Bootcamp 1Games Development Workshop - Pitches n Prose Conference Room, Northland Building, NWRC
Bootcamp 2Programming Creativity Adobe Room D3.322, Northland Building, NWRC
Bootcamp 3Designing Creativity Adobe Room D4.401, Northland Building, NWRC
Bootcamp 4Creativity through Silverlight - Microsoft Room D4.402, Northland Building, NWRC
11.30 12.00
Coffee Break
12.00 13.30
Bootcamp 5All Things Video Creativity BootCamp - Adobe Nerve Centre
Bootcamp 6Creative Voices - Publishing and Podcasting Verbal Arts Centre
Bootcamp 7Creativity, Media, & Journalism - Are They Compatible? Journalists from the Guardian, Independent, Press Association Ireland Conference Room, Northland Building, NWRC
13.30 - 14.30
Lunch & jamming session with Peter CookLunch, 'Spontaneous Combustion' jamming session and book signingwith Peter Cook - Learn improvisation and creativity through musical fusion - Bring an instrument if you wish or take pot luck on the day - No experience necessary, just attitude and a spirit of curiosity
Organized by NORIBICNORIBIC is the business innovation centre for Northern Ireland, part of a 174 member strong European Business Network. Tel: 0044(0)2871264242
Ticket Info: - General Admission - Two Day Pass, Free
- Games Development Bootcamp 1 - Pitches n Prose, Free
- Programming Creativity BootCamp 2 - Adobe, Free
- Designing Creativity BootCamp 3 - Adobe, Free
- Creativity through Silverlight, Bootcamp 4 - Microsoft, Free
- All Things Video Creativity BootCamp 5 - Adobe, Free
- Creative Voices - Publishing and Podcasting, Bootcamp 6, Free
- Creativity, Media, & Journalism - Are They Compatible?, Free
- Top of the Flops: Rock'n'Roll Lessons for Enterprise, Free
- Pre-Party Pass Only - Context Gallery, Free
- UnCon Party Only - Halo Effect, Free
Official Website: http://aceconference-upcoming.eventbrite.com