This is a conference for all web professionals who want to create web applications that work for everyone.
Since our last conference in 2008 it’s been an exciting year for web accessibility and Web 2.0. Following on from our event Christian Heilmann developed the excellent (and of course very accessible) EasyYouTube player and also organised Scripting Enabled, an ‘un-conference’ that brings developers together to create hacks for inaccessible websites. That’s why we’ve invited Christian to be our keynote speaker this year.
Conference highlights include:
* Mark Boulton on the topic of graphic design and accessibility
* Michael Delange Case Study of BBC Ouch
* Lisa Herrod use of social networks by Deaf web users
* Steve Faulkner Accessibility with HTML 5 and WAI ARIA
* Accessibility beyond the desktop panel discussion with Henny Swan (Opera), Veronika Jermolina (AbilityNet), Damon Rose (BBC Ouch) plus more
* Transitioning to WCAG 2.0 panel with Jon Gooday (AbilityNet), Bim Egan (RNIB) plus more
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