ACCESS BARS - Class Details
Pre-requisites: No Pre-requisites
Facilitator: Mark Moen
Date: Oct 10, 2008 – Oct 10, 2008
Time: 4:30pm - 10:00pm
Location: Balance 4 Optimal Health
Farm River Village Plaza
5 Foxon Road (Route 80), North Branford, Connecticut (US)
Cost: $200 new / $100 repeating
Class Info: This is a one day class where you learn a “hands on process” and also receive it. This hands on process has created massive amounts of ease and change for people all over the world. There are 32 points or bars on the head including; Healing, Body, Sexuality, Money, Control, Aging, Hopes & Dreams, Awareness, Creativity, Power, Creativity etc. Activating these points by lightly touching them and by allowing the energy to flow through these bars releases the electrical charge that holds all the considerations, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, decisions, emotions or attitudes you have ever stored or decided was important in any lifetime. After a “bars” session the worst thing that can happen is, you feel like you had a great massage, the best thing that can happen is, it can change your whole life. So we invite you to attend one of our classes and see what else is possible? No pre-requisites. Cost: $200 new / $100 repeating.
Please call local contact Gail Frey for directions or more information at 203-494-4505.
ACCESS Foundation (2-Day) Class Details
Prerequisite: BARS Class
Facilitator: Mark Moen
Date: Oct 11, 2008 – Oct 12, 2008
Time: 9:30am - 5:30pm
Location: Balance 4 Optimal Health
Farm River Village Plaza
5 Foxon Road (Route 80), North Branford, CT, USA
Cost: $600 new / $300 repeating class
Class Info: This class invites you to look at where we have used reason, justification, beliefs and judgments to create our reality and keep us in the “I have no choice” universe. The foundational tools of Access can assist you in eliminating the trauma, drama, upset and intrigue from your life, giving you a sense you and allowing you to begin to generate your life the way you would like it to be. The clearings you receive from this class will allow you to claim, own and acknowledge your potency and ability to change and transform what isn’t working for you and give you access to you! “How does it get any better than this?” Pre-requisites: Bars Class. Cost: $600 or $300 if you are repeating.
Please call local contact Gail Frey for directions or more information at 203-494-4505.
ACCESS Level 1 (2-Day) Class Details
Pre-requisites: BARS & Foundation
Facilitator: Mark Moen
Date: Oct 13, 2008 – Oct 14, 2008
Time: 9:30am - 5:30pm
Location: Balance 4 Optimal Health
Farm River Village Plaza
5 Foxon Road, (Route 80), North Branford, Connecticut (USA)
Cost: $600 new / $300 repeating
Class Info: This class expands on the possibilities opened up in the Foundation class and covers areas such as the 5 elements of intimacy, sexualness, money, abundance and wealth. You will also learn other amazing, hands on body process called MTVSS. The clearings allow you to eliminate the reasons, justifications, beliefs and judgments that have been creating limitations so it is no longer necessary to function from opposition or separation. It becomes possible to have relationships with people that are rewarding, and we begin to understand what it means to truly create our life as we desire it. This class will give you even greater awareness of infinite beingness and infinite choice. You will be excited by the possibilities of “What Else is Possible?” Pre requisites: Bars Class & Foundation. Cost: $600 or $300 if repeating
Please call local contact Gail Frey for directions or more information at 203-494-4505.
Official Website:
Added by eventbrite leev events on October 8, 2008