Featuring Tribal Seeds
This concert is a food & clothing drive
Please bring non-perishable food items only!
The WorldBeat Center has established itself as the home and originator of Reggae music presentations. Over the years the focus has expanded to include humanitarian efforts. This concert brings together a seasoned group of musicians ?The Abyssinians? from Jamaica with ?Tribal Seeds?, to spearhead a food drive to provide San Diego?s less fortunate with provisions for the holidays.
The Abyssinians are one of the most important and longstanding groups in Jamaican music and have influenced nearly every Reggae Artist. Their music reflects a down-to-earth philosophy that stresses humility, devotion, and an activist approach to the suffering of the common man
Venue: WorldBeat Cultural Center in Balboa Park
Address: 2100 Park Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92101
Directions: Take I-163 to Park Boulevard, (go north) turn left, WBC on left.
Date: December 10, 2005
Time: 8:30pm
Cost: $10.00
Information: (619) 230-1190
Added by WorldBeat on December 4, 2005