The Author, Dorothy E. Hooks, of the book, “Unholy Matrimony: Healing For The Abused Woman,” will be conducting the group discussion of her book. The first session will be held Saturday, January 10, 2009; the sessions will be bi-weekly.
The purpose of the Book Discussion Group is to help women realize they can recover from the bondage of domestic violence and abuse; also show them how to recover. The Book Discussion Group’s theme is “Recovering From Abuse” so each book that we discuss will be centered on all forms of abuse and domestic violence.
The book will be available for purchase at Spirit & Truth bookstore beginning December 20, 2008 for $11. Please purchase the book before the group discussion, read it, and have your questions or comments written out.
Group discussion will include a question and answer session, discussion of any information in the book, your comments, and how the book has affected your life.
Official Website:
Added by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD on December 4, 2008