Abunza MLM - Wonderful Marketing System
Abunza also has a Managed Marketing system where you get full access to the two most influential marketers on the net today and there personalized marketing system. The secret strategies Rich Ramah the expert article and press release writer who has shown others how to drive over 200 people to their articles and press releases a day. Also you get full access to Pierre Chuong’s training on Google Adwords and other marketing techniques he uses, if those of you out there aren’t familiar with Pierre he’s the guy that went from 0 to 103,000 in 30 days. So as you can see the top income earners are here for a reason. Just having access to these two things can explode your business by 10x.
That means if you take advantage of all they offer, you can literally collect your profits while you are sleeping. And guess how much they are going to charge you for all of that to go along with your own Abunza back office and 5 capture pages, Nothing!!! this is granted to all the team members.
These are the powerful tools Abunza has that have guided people to quick success and wealth:
-No Passing Up Sales To Your Mentor Or Sponsor
-First Bi-Lingual Business on the internet that has a professional Dream Team That closes Sales for you in both English and Spanish
Official Website: http://abunzamlm1.wetpaint.com/
Added by abunza mlm on March 3, 2008