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Abunza....Someone finally thought of including the highly untapped Spanish market in the ever growing internet marketing industry. (Abunza Launch) It is hard to imagine why no company before had thought of owning a piece of the 100 million Spanish speaking people that utilize the internet today. Abunza offers ebooks and software in both English and Spanish, travel vouchers that give you huge discounts on great locations.
As an Abunza representative you are allowed to keep 100% of your commission which is generated from the sale of your products making this compensation plan neither a pass up or a modified pass up plan. There is an initial investment with Abunza of $1197 and $54 charged on a monthly basis for things like your website and access.
On every Abunza Pro $1197 sale of the complete Spanish and English digital library, you make $947 on the first tier, and $250 every time someone you sponsor makes a sale. If you choose to use one of our Dream Team Sales Associates to make your calls and close your sales for you, you net $747 per sale having payed a fee to that sales center or "dream team" person who made the sale.
Added by abunzalaunch on March 19, 2009