Exhibit runs Jan 27-Feb 4; Preview with live music Fri, Jan 27, 5pm-8pm; Opening reception Sat, Jan 28, 1-5pm; Closing party Feb 4, 1-4pm
For the first show of the new year Misho Gallery assembled an array of bay area artists under the theme "Abstract Landscapes". It is co-curated by Misho & Alan Mazzetti.
It features six painters and mixed media artists, three photographers and one scultor.
"For both Alan and me landscapes are a big part of our body of work. We have been talking about doing a show like this for a couple years now and the new added space to the gallery was the perfect opportunity to finally put it together"
The artists participating in the show are:
EB Bound
Alan Mazzetti
Brian Andrews
Asha Menghrajani
Xavier Phelp
Leslie Morgan
Ann Simms
Robert Reed
Jeanne Hauser
Check the web site for more info on the artists with links to their web sites.
There will be a Preview show with Live music Friday January 27th from 5pm-8pm.
The opening reception is Saturday January 28th from 1pm-5pm. See the web site for regular hours.
For the procrastinators your last chance to see the show will be February 4th from 1-4pm during a closing party.
Official Website: http://www.MishoGallery.com
Added by FullCalendar on January 8, 2012